1. Cupcakes
2. Paisley prints (I swoon over everything by Natalie Perkins
http://www.natalieperkins.com/) (and my very very favorite vintage paisley dress
4. Owls
5. Wearing flowers in your hair
6. Redheads who wear bright purples and greens
7. Shane Waltener's exhibit "Auntie Peggy has departed" where doiles and spiderwebs are combined (so lovely, check it out here -

8. These two songs - 5 Years Time by Noah & the Whale and the Giant of Illinois by Andrew Bird. Seriously, I will never EVER get tired of listening to them. Get them both free on daytrotter)
9. Noisetrade and daytrotter. Since finding them I have never had to buy any music. ;)
10. Zooey Deschanel. I have a huge girl crush on her.
11. Lace on anything - shirts, necklaces, tights, purses, as artwork, you name it.
12. The smell of cedar
13. Feet pictures
14. Indie boys
15. Blowfish shoes
16. Stained glass windows
17. Window seats (I'm going to have one in every window in my future house)
18. Pajamas. I think they are the cutest. In an ideal world, everyone would feel comfortable wearing them around in public places other than college campuses.
19. Musicians. I can't stress this enough. Everyone should play an instrument.
20. The food network
21. Aeropostale's signature scent.
22. The color and feel of an eggplant
23. Anything yellow
24. Boys who wear scarves
25. Perfect movie kisses.
26. The word kitsch
27. Whole grain pasta with fettucine sauce and herbs. YUM.
28. Old movies with Gregory Peck in them.
29. Boys who aren't afraid to admit that they chose art or music over a sport.
30. I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith. If you haven't read this, you should. It's amazing.
31. Sitting on the edge of a dock
32. Cows. Everyone thinks I'm crazy until I show them this picture.
33. Herb gardens
34. White eyelet dresses
35. Baby birds
36. Making mix cds
37. The Beach Boys (Wouldn't It Be Nice and Don't Worry Baby are the favs. :))
38. When people ask who made that wonderful dessert that you brought.
39. Adults who have peter pan syndrome
40. Pixar
41. Kangaroos
42. This part from the Rescuers Down Under -
43. Chai tea
44. Postcards
45. Sleeping in sheets fresh from the wash
46. Chasing pigeons around DC (yes, I am 5 years old.)
47. Yellow curtains
48. This necklace -
49. The musicians' high you get when you play through a song PERFECTLY.
50. The way listening to the Temper Trap in the summer makes you feel.